English 中文(简体)
Ve 灭ing功能
原标题:Vector erase function deleting wrong object


vector<Curve> workingSet;



vector<Curve>::iterator it = workingSet.begin();

    //remove tbi s children from the working set
    for (  ;  it != workingSet.end();){
        if (it->thisName == tbi.childAName ||it->thisName == tbi.childBName)
            it= workingSet.erase(it);

当浮标达到“(it)”时,我可以看到,蒸发器在病媒中找到了2个曲线。 这样做是好的;我希望将治疗2从病媒中删除。

然后,被挖尸官带走(我在那里有一个断点),这大概应该破坏曲线2。 但是,当我看看看这 watch时,我可以看到,正在摧毁的曲线是四点。 其后,仲裁员按照要求着手删除物体中的阵列,并给民族解放军确定阵列点。

当该方案完成时,我可以看到,病媒2已经从阵列中去除,治疗4仍然在那里。 4个阵列点仍与以前一样位于同一地点,但记忆被分配,阵列有垃圾。


N.b. (1) There is a copy constructor for the curve class, which does a deep copy. N.b. (2) There is more to the class/program than I ve mentioned here


Edit:我现在执行复印任务。 现在正确的项目似乎从病媒中消失,但错误的 des子仍然被称作! 然而,当四阵列曲线被夸大回时,仍然无动于衷。


当一个项目从病媒中消失时,其背后的所有要素都转移到前线,以填补空域。 如果您的汇编者不支持<代码>move,则通过复制所有内容而做,而病媒中的最后一个项目现已合并到其面前的项目上,是重复的,正在删除。



在我看来,病媒:不能用当地制造的非边际数据种类的病媒来使用喷洒(不是在蒸汽上建造的物体,现在适当的名字越走了我)。 我有你描述的完全相同的行为,最后一项内容被两度破坏(特别是如果你的物体有被仲裁员释放的记忆危险),你所删除的内容永远不会被破坏。 我不知道为什么会发生这种情况,但听起来是一件pit事。

Here is one way to fix the problem:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>

using namespace std;

class MyClass 
    int *x;
    MyClass(int x)
       cout << "MyClass Constructor " << x << endl;
       this->x = new int(x);
    MyClass(const MyClass& obj)
       this->x = new int(*obj.x);
       cout << "copy constructor " << *this->x << endl;
       cout << "MyClass Destructor " << *x << endl;
       delete x;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
   // incorrect
   vector<MyClass> bad_vect;
   for(int i=0;i<3;i++){
      // causes a bunch of copying to happen.
      // std::move does not seem to fix this either
      // but in the end everything gets constructed as we d like
   cout << " ---- " << endl;
   bad_vect.erase(bad_vect.begin() + 1); // we expect this to remove item with x = 1 and destruct it.
   // but it does NOT do that, it does remove the item with x=1 from the vector
   // but it destructs the last item in the vector, with x=2, clearly
   // not what we want. The destructor for object with x=1 never gets called
   // and the destructor for the last item gets called twice.
   // The first time with x=2 and since that memory is freed, the 2nd time
   // it prints garbage. Strangely the double-free doesn t crash the prog
   // but I wouldn t count on that all the time.
   // Seems some parts of STL have pitfalls with locally constructed objects
   cout << " ------------ " << endl;
   // below fixes this
   vector<unique_ptr<MyClass> >vect;
   for(int i=0;i<3;i++){
      unique_ptr<MyClass> ptr(new MyClass(i));
      vect.push_back( move( ptr )); // move is required since unique_ptr can only have one owner
      // or the single one-liner below
      //vect.push_back( move( unique_ptr<MyClass>(new MyClass(i)) ));
   // the above prints out MyClass Constructor 0,1,2, etc
   vect.erase(vect.begin() + 1); // remove the 2nd element, ie with x=1
   // the above prints out MyClass Destructor 1, which is what we want

   for(auto& v : vect){
     cout << *(v->x) << endl;
   } // prints out 0 and 2
   return 0; // since we re using smart pointers, the destructors for the
           // remaining 2 objects are called. You could use regular pointers
           // but you would have to manually delete everything. shared_ptr
           // also works and you don t need the move(), but with a bit more overhead

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