English 中文(简体)
原标题:warning: statement has no effect (C++)
  • 时间:2011-10-31 09:12:09
  •  标签:
  • c++


void CScriptTable::EnumReferences(asIScriptEngine *engine)
    if (m_table)
        // Call the gc enum callback for each nested table      
        size_t col = 0, row = 0, num_cols = m_table->numCols(), num_rows = m_table->numRows();

        for( col; col < num_cols; col++ )   // Line 92
            if (m_table->getColType(col) == COL_TABLE) {
                for (row; row < num_rows; row++){  // Line 95
                    Table * tbl = m_table->getTable(row, col);

When compiling, (g++), the warning (statement has no effect) is issued for line 92 & 95 (indicated in the snippet above)



If guess you want to iterate over all columns and for each of them over all rows. so better change your code to something like this:

居乐团的第一份声明一经执行,即是在 lo首时。 由于你想把每栏的零号加起来,你必须每栏的行号为0:

void CScriptTable::EnumReferences(asIScriptEngine *engine)
    if (m_table)
        // Call the gc enum callback for each nested table      
        size_t num_cols = m_table->numCols(), num_rows = m_table->numRows();

        for(size_t col = 0; col < num_cols; col++ )   // Line 92
            if (m_table->getColType(col) == COL_TABLE) {
                for (size_t row = 0; row < num_rows; row++){  // Line 95
                    Table * tbl = m_table->getTable(row, col);

它涉及《指南》(<>col/code>和row,部分内容是《指南》的初始部分。 这些言论没有任何意义。 仅删除:

for( ; col < num_cols; col++)
for( col; col < num_cols; col++ )


这没有任何效果。 你们必须向其分配一些东西,或者根本不写。 既然你把它排除在你的圈子之外,你就迫切需要留下空洞的“<>条码”;

各位再次收到这些警告,因为在<><<>>>>>> 编码栏目中的初始化说明是没有:

for(col; col < num_cols; col++)  // line 92: "col" has no effect
for(row; row < num_rows; row++)  // line 95: "row" has no effect


for(; col < num_cols; col++)  // line 92
for(; row < num_rows; row++)  // line 95


// Call the gc enum callback for each nested table
size_t num_cols = m_table->numCols(), num_rows = m_table->numRows();

for(size_t col = 0; col < num_cols; col++ )   // Line 92
    if (m_table->getColType(col) == COL_TABLE) {
        for (size_t row = 0; row < num_rows; row++){  // Line 95
            Table * tbl = m_table->getTable(row, col);


for( col; col < num_cols; col++ )

to something like this:

for( col = col; col < num_cols; col++ )

两者兼有。 它应当从事这项工作。


for(; col < num_cols; col++ )   // Line 92


for (; row < num_rows; row++) {  // Line 95

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