Therefore I farmed out the control of the GPS to a service which had a timing Runnable in order to control the GPS myself. The service is a simple state machine with three states, IDLE, SEEKING and FIXED_AND_SLEEPING. When the machine is SEEKING the GPS is enabled, when it gets a fix of sufficient accuracy, it calls removeUpdates, to turn the GPS off and starts a Runnable which times out after a period set by a parameter in the service Binder interface and switches updates back on again and moves to state SEEKING.
Use sensor aiding: "Set to use sensors to enhance pedestrian positioning when the GPS signal is obstructed. There may be variations between the sensor estimates and your actual location"
[HYPOS] NOMOVE Time 234940, PowerMode 0, Sato WeakSignal 181,全球定位系统Fixtime 0, Car 1, DOE 3
and the GPS icon sometimes turns off when I hadn t told it to. Well of course it s not moving as the phone s on my desk with the USB cable plugged in for capturing the logcat.
www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 我很想知道,这是否是为了要求了解情况?
It never could have determined whether the GPS stayed on or not by using the GPS alone, as the GPS needs to be on to know how far the phone has moved.
www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 如果传感器辅助器的转用,那么气速计能够随着时间的推移进行整合,获得大致的距离观,决定电话的移动不会超过敏度,并且告诉全球定位系统芯片去掉吗?