English 中文(简体)
传真5 IE9不播放的录像
原标题:HTML5 Video not playing in IE9



<video id="video-1"></video>


video1 = document.getElementById("video-1");


video1.innerHTML =  <source id="video-1-mp4-src" type="video/mp4" src="  +  pill.mp4  +  ">  +  <source id="video-1-ogg-src" type="video/ogg" src=" +  pill.ogg  +  ">  +  <source id="video-1-webm-src" type="video/webm" src="  +  pill.webm  +  "> ;

Also tried this method of assigning the video in JS....

video1.innerText =  <source id="video-1-mp4-src" type="video/mp4" src="  +  pill.mp4  +  ">  +  <source id="video-1-ogg-src" type="video/ogg" src=" +  pill.ogg  +  ">  +  <source id="video-1-webm-src" type="video/webm" src="  +  pill.webm  +  "> ;

问题在于IE9的录像带上了车,我能否失踪? 或者,对IE9来说,视频标签尚未得到支持吗?

TIA! :



The DOCTYPE of the page must be:

<!DOCTYPE html>

(超文本5),以便IE9拍摄超文本5视频。 即使在X光照相机的情况下,Landre、Khat等也会承认视频标签,但IE还是获得。


Confirm your Browser Mode and Document Mode. Press F12 and verify both the Browser Mode and Document Mode tabs are set to IE9 options.



var video1 = document.getElementById("video-1");
var source = document.createElement( source );  // create source node
source.src =  pill.mp4 ;
source.type = "video/mp4";
video1.appendChild(source); // append source node to video node


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