请解释“没有发现符号”、“没有决心符号”或“没有发现的代谢”错误(在 Java):
- What do they mean?
- What things can cause them?
- How does the programmer go about fixing them?
www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 这一问题旨在产生一个全面的Q&A介绍 Java这些共同汇编错误。
请解释“没有发现符号”、“没有决心符号”或“没有发现的代谢”错误(在 Java):
www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 这一问题旨在产生一个全面的Q&A介绍 Java这些共同汇编错误。
实际情况并非如此。 “没有发现符号”、“没有解决的符号”和“没有发现的代号”都意味着同样的事情。 (不同的 Java编者是由不同的人撰写的,不同的人用不同的学词来说同样的话。)
, while
, and so on.true
, false
, 42
, X
and "Hi mum!"
, =
, {
, and so on.Reader
, i
, toString
, processEquibalancedElephants
, and so on.A "Cannot find symbol" error is about the identifiers. When your code is compiled, the compiler needs to work out what each and every identifier in your code means.
“没有发现符号”的错误意味着汇编者不能这样做。 你的法典似乎指的是汇编者不理解的东西。
首先,只有一个原因。 汇编者对识别符号should<>>/em>界定的所有地点进行了研究,因此无法找到定义。 这可能是由一些事情造成的。 共同之处如下:
instead of StringBuilder
. Java cannot and will not attempt to compensate for bad spelling or typing errors.stringBuilder
instead of StringBuilder
. All Java identifiers are case sensitive.mystring
and my_string
are different. (If you stick to the Java style rules, you will be largely protected from this mistake ...)For identifiers that should refer to variables:
Perhaps you are trying to refer to an inherited method or field that wasn t declared in the parent / ancestor classes or interfaces.
String strings[] = ...
if (strings.charAt(3)) { ... }
// maybe that should be strings[0].charAt(3)
或许请您通过<代码>新。 a 包括:
String s = String(); // should be new String()
Hint: 学习包裹。 你们只应使用一揽子缺省申请,这些申请包括一个类别......或一个范围很广的 Java源文档。
rather than java.util.List
.问题常常是上述问题。 例如,或许你们“星号”进口java.io.*
,然后试图使用<代码>Files . ......这一类别载于java.nio
。 或者,你打算撰写<代码>File......>,is a 类别,载于java.io
List<String> strings = ...
for (int i = 0; i < strings.size(); i++) {
if (strings.get(i).equalsIgnoreCase("fnord")) {
if (i < strings.size()) {
这将给<代码>i>的“Cannot探测器”差错。 虽然我们此前已宣布<代码>i
,但该声明仅限<>>>在范围上公布于<>>for statement and its body. <代码>i,载于if
的说明cannot see that declaration of i
。 页: 1
statement within the loop, or toclari
before the loop.]
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++); {
System.out.println("i is " + i);
这将使你在<代码>印本/代码>上出现汇编错误。 不能找到<代码>i。 但(我听到你说)我确实宣布了!
)。 Java语的同义词在这方面界定了一种半殖民地,即:
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++);
// The previous and following are separate statements!!
System.out.println("i is " + i);
<代码>{>>>>><>>>>> > 栏目为“NOT”栏,因此,在栏目中,先前的“<代码>i在<>for上的声明为
int tmp = ...
int res = tmp(a + b);
Despite the previous declaration, the tmp
in the tmp(...)
expression is erroneous. The compiler will look for a method called tmp
, and won t find one. The previously declared tmp
is in the namespace for variables, not the namespace for methods.
在我所举的例子中,方案管理员实际上离开了运营商。 他打算写的是:
int res = tmp * (a + b);
There is another reason why the compiler might not find a symbol if you are compiling from the command line. You might simply have forgotten to compile or recompile some other class. For example, if you have classes Foo
and Bar
where Foo
uses Bar
. If you have never compiled Bar
and you run javac Foo.java
, you are liable to find that the compiler can t find the symbol Bar
. The simple answer is to compile Foo
and Bar
together; e.g. javac Foo.java Bar.java
or javac *.java
. Or better still use a Java build tool; e.g. Ant, Maven, Gradle and so on.
There are some other more obscure causes too ... which I will deal with below.
之后,请您就您的法典应该说什么。 之后,你终于完成了对你的来源法典需要做的修改。
Note that not every "correction" is correct. Consider this:
for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
for (j = 1; j < 10; j++) {
假设汇编者说<代码>j的“没有发现符号”。 我可以采取许多方法“确定”:
to for (int j = 1; j < 10; j++)
- probably correct.j
before the inner for
loop, or the outer for
loop - possibly correct.j
to i
in the inner for
loop - probably wrong!The point is that you need to understand what your code is trying to do in order to find the right fix.
www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 校正 如果你正在使用一种管理建筑道路和项目依赖性的电算法或建筑工具,你可能会与依赖者犯错误;例如,没有依赖,或选择错误版本。 如果你使用建筑工具(Ant、Maven、Gradle等),就检查项目建筑档案。 如果你正在使用一个发展信息网,则检查该项目的修建道路组合。
www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 页: 1 也许你正在尝试汇编使用当地变量类型推论的源代码(即:var
申报),其编制时间较长或更长的<代码>-source。 http://www.ohchr.org。 查阅您的JDK版本和您的建筑档案,(如果是在民主选举学会的环境下进行)。
www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 页: 1 有时,新的 Java方案家不理解 Java工具链如何发挥作用,或避风港如何实施可重复的“造型程序”,例如利用国际民主和选举援助学会、Anton、Maven、Gradle等。 在这种情况下,方案管理员可以最终追索他的尾声,寻找一个虚幻的错误,即
这方面的另一个例子是,当你使用(Java 9+)java SomeClass.java
汇编和操作一个类别。 如果该类别取决于另一类,即您所汇编的编号(或再编),那么你就应当获得“没有解决符号”的错误,指第二类。 其他来源档案并不自动汇编。 <代码>java 新的“完整和运行”模式的设计并不适用于使用多种来源代码文档的方案。
An earlier build problem: It is possible that an earlier build failed in a way that gave a JAR file with missing classes. Such a failure would typically be noticed if you were using a build tool. However if you are getting JAR files from someone else, you are dependent on them building properly, and noticing errors. If you suspect this, use tar -tvf
to list the contents of the suspect JAR file.
IDE issues: People have reported cases where their IDE gets confused and the compiler in the IDE cannot find a class that exists ... or the reverse situation.
This could happen if the IDE s caches get out of sync with the file system. There are IDE specific ways to fix that.
这可能是民主选举学会的模范。 例如,@Joel Costigliola描述了一种情况,即Eclipse没有正确处理Maven的“测试”树:。 (显然早在很久以前就已固定了这种 b。)
<>Android issues: 当你为安康进行方案规划时,你有与<代码>R有关的“没有发现符号”差错,知道<代码>R符号>符号由<编码>context.xml文档界定。 核对<代码>context.xml文档正确无误,正确无误,相应的<代码>R 编写/汇编了班级档案。 注意 Java符号是敏感的,因此相应的XML树脂也敏感。
http://www.un.org。 我看到了汇编者抱怨<>代号<>/代码>在下述情况下是一个不为人知的象征的情况:
String s = ...
String s1 = s.substring(1);
方法。 I ve see people do this with System
and other levels.
<>Lesson: Don t用与普通图书馆课程相同的名称来界定自己的课程!
这个问题也可以通过使用完全合格的名字来解决。 例如,在上述例子中,方案主管could。 注
java.lang.String s = ...
java.lang.String s1 = s.substring(1);
<>Homoglyphs>: 如果你使用UTF-8在源文档中编码,就有可能有look<>>>识别码。 同样,但事实上有所不同,因为它们含有同质素。 See this page for more information.
您可以避免这种情况,将海因限制为ASCII或拉丁-1,将其作为源文档编码,并利用 Javauxx
1 - If, perchance, you do see this in a runtime exception or error message, then either you have configured your IDE to run code with compilation errors, or your application is generating and compiling code .. at runtime.
2 - The three basic principles of Civil Engineering: water doesn t flow uphill, a plank is stronger on its side, and you can t push on a rope.
You ll also get this error if you forget a new
String s = String();
String s = new String();
由于电话没有<代码>新代码> 关键词将尝试和寻找一种称为<代码>的(当地)方法,其中无争论可循的<>标准>,而且可能无法界定方法签名。
选择Build ->Rebuild Project 解决
www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 可变性的另一个实例是。
if(somethingIsTrue()) {
String message = "Everything is fine";
} else {
String message = "We have an error";
该法典无效。 由于“<代码>message”这两个变量在各自范围之外都看不出,因此此处的方括号为{}
It s especially bad if you thought you did something good. I ve seen this kind of error after "optimizing" code like this:
if(somethingIsTrue()) {
String message = "Everything is fine";
} else {
String message = "We have an error";
The most common way to deal with this kind of scope-trouble would be to pre-assign the else-values to the variable names in the outside scope and then reassign in if:
String message = "We have an error";
if(somethingIsTrue()) {
message = "Everything is fine";
in src/test/java
in src/main/java
that uses class A
.Result : Eclipse will compile the code, but maven will give "Cannot find symbol".
根本原因:Eclipse正在使用一条主要树木和试验树木的综合建筑道路。 不幸的是,它不支持对Eclipse项目的不同部分使用不同的建筑道路,而这正是Maven的要求。
Solution :
“没有发现”是指,如果你发现这种错误,可以找到适当的变数、方法、分类等的汇编者,首先,你们都想在出现错误的群落时找到代码线。 那么,在使用之前,你会发现哪些变量、方法或类别没有定义。 经确认,变数、方法或类别可以用于以后的需要...... 考虑以下例子。
页: 1
class demo{
public static void main(String a[]){
这种错误说,“无法找到可变的名称”。 对名称变量的界定和初步确定值可取消这一错误。 确实如此,
class demo{
public static void main(String a[]){
String name="smith";
Ok Successfully solved that error..At the same time , if you could get "can not find method " or "can not find class" something , At first,define a class or method and after use that..
If you re getting this error in the build somewhere else, while your IDE says everything is perfectly fine, then check that you are using the same Java versions in both places.
例如,Java 7和Java 8有不同的亚特兰大,因此,在旧的Java版本中,没有APICA,就会造成这一错误。
There can be various scenarios as people have mentioned above. A couple of things which have helped me resolve this.
If you are using IntelliJ
另一项目提到这个类别,我的项目的格拉斯建筑档案没有增加依赖性。 因此,我补充说,使用依赖性
<代码>compile Project (:another) 项目......
它发挥了作用。 HTH!
如果ec木 build铺路被绘制为7,8,而x子项目则提到 higher版(9,10,11等)高于7,8 您需要用om子文档更新。
In Eclipse if Java is mapped to Java version 11 and in pom.xml it is mapped to Java version 8. Update Eclipse support to Java 11 by go through below steps in eclipse IDE Help -> Install New Software ->
Paste following link http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/updates/4.9-P-builds at Work With
Java 11 support
之后更新了“Maven”版,载于pom.xml。 档案
Finally do right click on project Debug as -> Maven clean, Maven build steps
我也正在发现这一错误。 (我去了,我去了这个页)
Problem: I was calling a static method defined in the class of a project A from a class defined in another project B. I was getting the following error:
error: cannot find symbol
Solution: I resolved this by first building the project where the method is defined then the project where the method was being called from.
you compiled your code using maven compile and then used maven test to run it worked fine. Now if you changed something in your code and then without compiling you are running it, you will get this error.
解决办法:再次汇编,然后进行测试。 对我来说,它这样做了。
file from src/java/package
to the resource
directory (IntelliJ
directory.For hints, look closer at the class name name that throws an error and the line number, example: Compilation failure [ERROR] applicationsxxxxx.java:[44,30] error: cannot find symbol
One other cause is unsupported method of for java version say jdk7 vs 8. Check your %JAVA_HOME%
We got the error in a Java project that is set up as a Gradle multi-project build. It turned out that one of the sub-projects was missing the Gradle Java Library plugin. This prevented the sub-project s class files from being visible to other projects in the build.
plugins {
id java-library
Re:4.4: An early Building problem in Stephen C sillian response:
I encountered this scenario when developing an osgi application.
I had a java project A
that was a dependency of B
When building B
, there was the error:
Compilation failure: org.company.projectA.bar.xyz does not exist
When i looked in A.jar
, there were classes for org.company.projectA.foo.abc
but none for org.company.projectA.bar.xyz
Add the missing packages like so:
and rebuild everything.
Now the A.jar
includes all the expected classes, and everything compiles.
java: cannot find symbol
symbol: class __
Intellij Preferences ->Compiler -> Shared Build process VM Options and set it to
页: 1
mvn clean install
我习惯使用<代码>! 现在,在使用<代码>Gradle时,在指挥线上(在JDK8
boolean java.util.Optional.isEmpty()
If a value is not present, returns true, otherwise false.
Returns:true if a value is not present, otherwise false
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