(1) 你的文本已经包含价值,请说“1”。 当你打开收货机时,你就能够使其达到这一价值。
[yourPicker selectRow:1 inComponent:0 animated:false]
假设你对采集器的数据阵列为[0、1、2、3]。 就你而言,使案文领域包含价值0,只字不提
[textField setText:@"0"]
2) 当你与皮条客一起工作时,他称代表的职能。
- (void)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView didSelectRow:(NSInteger)row inComponent:(NSInteger)component
So you have to make your view implement the UIPickerViewDelegate protocol, implement the above delegate function in it and set the view as the picker view s delegate.
In the delegate function you can get the value the user picked (using row to access your data array values) and set this value in your textfield.