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原标题:Detecting the user s spinning motion

I have been experimenting with the Core Motion framework to detect a user spinning around, say on a merry-go-round, holding an iphone in his hand. There are ways to detect the device motion around its own axes, but what is a good way to detect the iPhone spinning in circles? Thanks



如果你将装置(a)放在固定位置的桌上,那么(b)在完全横向轮换上,将慢慢慢慢地获得同样的<>平级传感器读物。 在这两种情况下,吉罗和塞勒计的读数都是不变的,尽管读数在数量上有所不同。 可悲的部分是:吉罗偏差错误可能导致(a)像(b)和反面错误。 在这一特殊情况下,你需要绕行吉罗河流。 案件(a)是电话的典型情况。

Apart from this degenerate case, gyroscopes and accelerometers with sensor fusion are sufficient to track arbitrary rotations of the device.

Code sign Error

I have created a new iPhone application.I have two mach machines. I have created the certificate for running application in iPhone in one mac. Can I use the other mac for running the application in ...

ABPersonViewController Usage for displaying contact

Created a View based Project and added a contact to the AddressBook using ABAddressBookRef,ABRecordRef now i wanted to display the added contact ABPersonViewController is the method but how to use in ...


我不禁要问,那里是否有任何实例表明从Peit向服务器发送音响。 I m不关心电话或SIP风格的解决办法,只是一个简单的袖珍流程......

• 如何将搜查线重新定位?

我正试图把图像放在搜索条左边。 但是,问题始于这里,搜索条线不能重新布署。
