English 中文(简体)
j 拖延——如何停止拖延?
原标题:jQuery delay() - how to stop it?



function reset(){
   $( div ).clearQueue();
   $( #img ).html(  ).css({ left :0, right :0, opacity :1, z-index :1});
   $( #img2 ).html(  ).css({ left :0, right :0, opacity :1, z-index :1});
   $( #place ).html(  );$( #place ).html( <div id="img"></div><div id="img2"></div> );

但是,这等于是停止(或删除)延迟(......)以估计方式运作。 因此,我不知道是否必须使用定时功能。


  $( #img ).html( <img src=" +image[4]+ " alt="Obrázek"> ).css({ opacity :0, z-index :2}).delay(time_delay/5).fadeTo(time_fast,1).delay(time_delay*2).fadeTo(time_fast,0);
  $( #img2 ).html( <img src=" +image[3]+ " alt="Obrázek"> ).css({ opacity : 0 , top :0}).fadeTo(time_fast,1).animate({ top : -495 },time_delay*3,function(){
    if(actual_slide==2){$( #img2 ).css({ top :0}).fadeTo(time_fast*2,0).html(  );}else{reset();}
    if(actual_slide==2){$( #img ).html( <img src=" +image[3]+ " id="1" alt="Obrázek"> ).fadeTo(time_fast*2, 1 ).css({ left :-300, top :-700}).animate({ left :-900, top :-700},time_delay*2);}else{reset();}
    if(actual_slide==2){$( #1 ).css({ width :1365, height :1200}).animate({ width :1665, height :1400},time_delay*2);}else{reset();}

这种实际的幻灯必须加以保护,然后再重复这一功能,但这也会奏效。 问题在于迅速改变幻灯片,因为重新set头不会停止一切,而是开始做我不想做的事情(如改变其他面貌)。


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//this is only for make sure that we skip  delay , not other function
var inDelay = false;

function start()
    $( .gfx ).animate
        width: 100
    }, function(){inDelay = true}).delay(3000).animate
        width: 0
    }, function(){inDelay = false})

function breakTheDelay()
        $( .gfx ).dequeue();


//edit: more complex example provided with logging timestamps and cleanup ( without cleanup, multiple clicks on Start is unpredictable ) to prove that it works


页: 1

//this is only for make sure that we skip  delay , not other function
var inDelay = false;
var ltime = 0;

// console log will aways show  end  values: 2000, 1000 an 400
// values may be different due to time wasted on calling functions
// sometimes delay is shorten by 0-200ms, it can be caused by js engine probably  

function start()
    ltime = (1*new Date());
    $( .gfx ).queue( fx , function(next)
      logtime(  animate1_start  );
    	$( .gfx ).animate
          width: 100
      }, 2000, function(){logtime( animate1_end );inDelay = true;})
    .queue( fx , function(next)
    	logtime( delay_start );
    .queue( fx , function(next)
    	logtime( delay_end );
    .queue( fx , function(next)
    	logtime( animate0_start );
    	$( .gfx ).animate
          width: 0
      }, function(){logtime( animate0_end );inDelay = false;})

function cleanup()
		// remove current queue
    $( .gfx ).clearQueue()
    // first animate runned interval. stop it 
    // reset width of element
    .css( width ,0)

function logtime( name )
	var ntime = (1*new Date());
	console.log( name +  :   + ( ntime - ltime ) );
  ltime = ntime;

function breakTheDelay()
        $( .gfx ).dequeue();

// version without  inDelay  check only if you know what are you doing
// http://jsfiddle.net/wasikuss/hkw9H/
    background: red;
    width: 0;
    height: 10px
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<button onclick="start()">Start</button>
<button onclick="breakTheDelay()">Can t wait!</button>
<div class="gfx"></div>

有一种非常简单的做法,即使用<代码>。 页: 1

我希望用户迅速重新启动一个ation升链,有时在im中。 因此,不使用<代码>delay() I animated to a bogus cs appropriatey {“null”:1}。 这里简单易行。 想为我工作!

//- fade in
$el.stop().animate({"opacity":1}, 200, "easeInSine", function(){
    //- delay for 2000ms
    $el.stop().animate({"null":1}, 2000, function(){
        //- fade out
        $el.stop().animate({"opacity":0}, 1000, "easeInOutSine", function(){
            //- final callback

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