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原标题:Creating a new WorkItem in TFS using TFPT command line tool with line breaks in Description field

我如何在使用TFS 2010电力工具指挥线(TFPT)的新工作系统描述领域添加一条线性突破? 我试图这样做:

Z:>tfpt workitem /new "Project IpsumIssue" /collection:http://myserver:8080/tfs/test /fields:"Title=Testing Command Line 3;Description=Description of issue goes here<br /><br />I d like to have line breaks too"


Z:>tfpt workitem /new "Project IpsumIssue" /collection:http://myserver:8080/tfs/test /fields:"Title=Testing Command Line 3;Description=Description of issue goes here
I d like to have line breaks too"

页: 1



我实施的一个工作是,建立一个新的(实际延长的)工作项目,其性质是我最初在长篇描述中插入的。 因此,我现在将其分为以下几个不同的领域:

Z:>tfpt workitem /new "Project IpsumIssue" /collection:http://myserver:8080/tfs/test /fields:"Title=Testing Command Line 3;Description=Description of issue goes here;Field1=more info;Field2=even more data"

然后,我创立了显示它们的形式领域(一个新的表格小组)。 它使情况更加清洁。




Hate to mark this answered but I did add a workaround that worked for me. Although I added the "solution" to my problem in my OP. Here it is for clarity (thanks for the notion pantelif)

我实施的一个工作是,建立一个新的(实际延长的)工作项目,其性质是我最初在长篇描述中插入的。 因此,我现在将其分为以下几个不同的领域:

Z:>tfpt workitem /new "Project IpsumIssue" /collection:http://myserver:8080/tfs/test /fields:"Title=Testing Command Line 3;Description=Description of issue goes here;Field1=more info;Field2=even more data"

然后,我创立了显示它们的形式领域(一个新的表格小组)。 它使情况更加清洁。



Try this. In your case:

    Z:>set NLM=^
    Z:>set NL=^^^%NLM%%NLM%^%NLM%%NLM%
    Z:>tfpt workitem /new "Project IpsumIssue" /collection:http://myserver:8080/tfs/test /fields:"Title=Testing Command Line 3;Description=Description of issue goes here%NL%I d like to have line breaks too"

UPDATE: See thisLink。 • 寻求TtobyKraft解决方案。 他认为历史是超文本格式。 首先,你们必须增加新的工作项目,然后更新工作项目历史,以html格式,使用“带”;“彩色”和标签。

I wouldn t know how to help you out using tfpt.
You could construct a small console application that uses TFS-SDK instead and get the job done as follows:

using System;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client;

namespace GenerateWorkItem
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            TfsTeamProjectCollection tpc = TfsTeamProjectCollectionFactory.GetTeamProjectCollection(new Uri("http://myserver:8080"));
            WorkItemStore workItemStore = (WorkItemStore)tpc.GetService(typeof(WorkItemStore));

            Project teamProject = workItemStore.Projects["Ipsum"];
            WorkItemType workItemType = teamProject.WorkItemTypes["Issue"];

            WorkItem Issue = new WorkItem(workItemType)
                Title = "Testing Command Line 3",
                Description = "Description of issue goes here 
 I d like to have line breaks too"

This gets the job done. Now if you make it depend on your string[] args, I expect that the method @Ludwo presented shall be usable.

The above based on this

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