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原标题:How do I get CMake to work with the go programming language?
  • 时间:2011-11-02 10:03:03
  •  标签:
  • cmake
  • go


www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 我需要采取哪些步骤来召集会议。 CMake,这样,它就能够使用 go节目语言?。

基本上,我的汇编者是6g人,产生汇编的oo.6——我通过6l foo.6将其送到联系人,我是这样做的。 我已经建立并安装了汇编器和链接器。

Obviously, I can just write a simple Makefile for this, but it would be nice to use CMake consistently throughout my project.



您不妨对戈马的支持。 大约说它涉及以下步骤:

  1. Create CMakeDetermineGoCompiler.cmake module, which would find Go compiler for the current system.
  2. Create CMakeGoCompiler.cmake.in - a template, which would be configured by CMakeDetermineGoCompiler.

  3. Create CMakeTestGoCompiler.cmake, module which would compile a simple go source to check if the compiler works.

  4. Create CMakeGoInformation.cmake, which would set some language-related variables (CMAKE_GO_LINK_EXECUTABLE and so on)

这些事情应当放在CMAKE_中。 MODULES_DIR. 供参考的,请看 Java/XX如何提供支助。




Go有一套简单的、内在的办法来建立包件:go Building (其中还使cc /code>和go 安装 work)。 <代码>go Building,经设计,不需要其他工具,如制造或 cm。


我创造了一个简单的道路。 利用CMake将C/C++和Go相结合的碎块模块。

https://github.com/krumberg/cmake_go”rel=“nofollow noreferer”>https://github.com/krumberg/cmake_go

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