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• 安装的名录?
原标题:Moving joomla installed directory?

All you need to do is move the files to the root, nothing else changes with the possible exception of one line in HTACCESS is you have SEF URLs turned on already.

You should also seriously consider building your site on 1.7. You are going to be at end of life for 1.5 next April, you might as well start on the new version to make updating easier.

You need to change these lines in the configuration.php file:

var $log_path =  absolutepathtoyoursitefoldernamelogs ; //remove foldername from path
var $tmp_path =  absolutepathtoyoursitefoldername	mp ;  //remove foldername from path
var $live_site =  http://www.yoursite.com/foldername ; // remove the foldername or leave empty

在不改变这些价值观的情况下,也能够发挥作用。 不过,我总是改变这些立场。

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