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原标题:Database normalization for School Management System

I am creating system for a school management system and come up with the attached database schema.



  1. A school has many students and teachers. It has also many courses(subjects) taught. A grade level can have many courses assigned. These courses in turn will be assigned to the students in that particular grade.
  2. The levels of students are categorized into grades and sections. A student can be in Grade 5, but if grade 5 students are huge in number, they are divided into sections. eg: Grade 5 section A, Grade 5 section B.
  3. Students are placed in unique classrooms. A classroom will be unique throughout. Classroom of Grade 5 Section A of year 2010 will be different from Classroom of Grade 5 Section A of year 2011.
  4. Students are assigned parents. A parent can have more than one student in the school.
  5. One or more classrooms can be assigned to a teacher.
  6. Attendance for students are taken by their teacher on a daily basis
  7. There will be many types of exams. Exam results are stored for each subject (course).



此外,只有一个记录点。 在以上情况下,在登录时,用户必须从下降名单中选择用户类型。 这种减员选择将用来向相关表格查询,以记录系统。 另一项选择是使用一个共同的“条形”用户/密码表,该表将储存“条形”用户_id、电子邮件、密码、最后_login_date、最后_login_ip >/条形,但将储存在相应的表格中的其他详情,例如:“条形表”、括号、母体、教师名称/密码。 因此,执行《公约》的最好/正确方式如何?


页: 1

除非你的学校每夏天都有大规模的拆除和建筑方案,否则教室也将如此。 这是每年变动的分号>。 因此,应当将CLCSSROOMS分配给一个单独的全球资源中心。 SECTION实体,而不是像现在这样合并的SECTIONS和CLLASSROOMS。


财团应当拥有许多EXAMS,而不是许多EXAM_。 RESULTS。 完全没有意义的是,学习数学和俄语的学生可以选择法语考试。

The line from Attendance (many) should be drawn to the Classroom_Student (1) instead. Drawing the attendance to the students is not possible I think.

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