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原标题:Jquery or some Script

how to detect Android ListView Scrolling stopped?

I m trying to do something after scrolling stopped.So, I tried using OnScrollListener#onScrollStateChanged(SCROLL_STATE_IDLE) to detect when the scrolling stopped(either TOUCH_SCROLL or FLING)(at 1.5 ...

jQuery - ScrollTo and Serial Scroll not working together

I have tested the scrollTo() plugin, but I need a way to stop the scrolling animation, so I am looking at serialScroll(). Here is what I used with scrollTo: $( #scroller ).scrollTo( 1000px , 3000); ...

Scrolling to the bottom of a div

As part of an ajax chat room (using prototype framework) I am working on I scroll the user to the bottom each time a message is added using the below js. However if the user has scrolled up and the ...

Displaying news with javascript

I keep coming up against this issue. Displaying news on a website. And I d like to come up with a solution to use like a template, something I can just drop on a site easily. The solution I keep ...

UITextview content moves up when textview is selected

I am pretty new to this iPhone dev thing but so far I have built a pretty good app but I have stumbled into this problem that for the life of me I cannot seem to solve. Basically the app is a chat ...
