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原标题:Running NUnit via NCover with NANT

我的单位测试正在进行之中,并撰写了报告,但报道报告却空洞。 使用:

<target name="unitTests">
    <foreach item="File" property="filename">
                <include name="**UnitTestBinaries*.UnitTests.*.dll"></include>
            <exec program="${ncover-console}" 
                  commandline="&quot;${nunit-console}&quot; ${filename} /xml:${project::get-base-directory()}\_nunit_${path::get-file-name-without-extension(filename)}.xml /nologo //x ${project::get-base-directory()}\_ncover_${path::get-file-name-without-extension(filename)}.xml" 

我为什么不获得覆盖面数据? 实现这一步骤是否有任何便利?




<!-- saved from NCover 3.0 Export url= http://www.ncover.com/  -->
<coverage profilerVersion="" driverVersion="3.3.0" exportversion="3" viewdisplayname="" startTime="2011-10-31T23:27:33.3688015Z" measureTime="2011-10-31T23:27:36.1420615Z" projectName="" buildid="d3a76074-bb16-4677-8273-91c7b6552066" coveragenodeid="0" failed="false" satisfactorybranchthreshold="95" satisfactorycoveragethreshold="95" satisfactorycyclomaticcomplexitythreshold="20" satisfactoryfunctionthreshold="80" satisfactoryunvisitedsequencepoints="10" uiviewtype="TreeView" viewguid="C:\_documentsCI\_ncover_XTFL.UnitTests.Core.xml" viewfilterstyle="None" viewreportstyle="SequencePointCoveragePercentage" viewsortstyle="Name">
  <rebasedpaths />
  <filters />
    <doc id="0" excluded="false" url="None" cs="" csa="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" om="0" nid="0" />

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm Edit II:


<task name="ncover">

                <message level="Info"><![CDATA[Command: C:Program FilesNUnit 2.5.10in
                <message level="Info"><![CDATA[Command Args: C:\_documentsCIWorkingUnitTestBinariesXTFL.UnitTests.Workflow.dll /xml:C:\_documentsCI\_nunit_XTFL.UnitTests.Workflow.xml /nologo /noshadow]]></message>
                <message level="Info"><![CDATA[Working Directory:]]></message>
                <message level="Info"><![CDATA[Assemblies: (All Loaded Assemblies)]]></message>
                <message level="Info"><![CDATA[******************* Program Output *******************]]></message>
                <message level="Info"><![CDATA[ProcessModel: Default    DomainUsage: Single]]></message>
                <message level="Info"><![CDATA[Execution Runtime: Default]]></message>
                <message level="Info"><![CDATA[..........]]></message>
                <message level="Info"><![CDATA[Tests run: 10, Errors: 0, Failures: 0, Inconclusive: 0, Time: 0.9677115 seconds]]></message>
                <message level="Info"><![CDATA[Not run: 0, Invalid: 0, Ignored: 0, Skipped: 0]]></message>
                <message level="Info"><![CDATA[***************** End Program Output *****************]]></message>
                <message level="Info"><![CDATA[Execution Time: 2.8983 s]]></message>
                <message level="Info"><![CDATA[Coverage Xml: C:\_documentsCI\_ncover_XTFL.UnitTests.Workflow.xml]]></message>



I can t see the exact command line syntax from the NAnt task, but NCover has to start NUnit in order to profile the unit test DLL.

如果NCover正在成功地启动NUnit公司,那么,在“Program Output”之后,你应当看到一个信息,即“Process nunit-agent [PID 3116]已开始在Unit测试结果之前进行定性分析”,在“Process nunit-agent [PID 3116]完成了定性分析”结果之后又发出另一个信息。


我记得存在同样的问题。 是否将有关<代码>.pdb的档案加起来? 这给我解决了。


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