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原标题:Do Google Analytics s defaults count view from subdomain?


var _gaq = _gaq || [];
_gaq.push([ _setAccount ,  UA-xxxxx-2 ]);
_gaq.push([ _setDomainName ,  .example.com ]);
_gaq.push([ _trackPageview ]);
(function() {
var ga = document.createElement( script ); ga.type =  text/javascript ; ga.async = true;
ga.src = ( https:  == document.location.protocol ?  https://ssl  :  http://www ) +  .google-analytics.com/ga.js ;
var s = document.getElementsByTagName( script )[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);

但指出,这也将导致把 co子送至静态子宫。 孤立静态领域的最佳办法是使其成为一个不同的领域,而不是一个不同的子域。 如果你把GA的厨师储存在全部领域,而不是顶层,你就会清除静态领域,但正确建立GA将更加困难。


The truth of the matter is, your GA account will "track pageviews" on any page that has your tracker (with your GA account#) in it (unless you have special filters set up). Now, it won t share referrer information across domains/subdomains unless it s set up to do so, but technically someone could place your tracker code on their site to inflate your site stats.

同时,你能够看到该法典的内容(URLs页)。 我不知道为什么有人想这样做,但假设是可能的。

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