English 中文(简体)
原标题:Why is this error showing when trying to import a constant from another file in typescript?

I am trying to import a constant which is a JSON body from a file inside another folder inside my project. I have tried copying the relative path to it and the constant has the export keyword before the declaration so I have export constant = {}


The files skeleton

**The import statement: **

import {post_next_questions_request_body} from  ..post-calls-bodies/post-next-questions ; 


Cannot find module  ..post-calls-bodies/post-next-questions  or its corresponding type declarations.

I have tried the following paths: ..post-calls-bodies/post-next-questions .post-calls-bodies/post-next-questions post-calls-bodies/post-next-questions



页: 1 我知道我很抱歉,但提供这种文字解释会使人们更容易回答问题,因为我不得不在另一个表格中作一个情况来了解你的问题。 盲人看不到这一画面,我们大家可以从中复制和贴出文字。


而且,如果我最初的假设正确,道路本身是错误的:你需要达到两个层次。 翻一番后,将登在<条码>测试夹中(在<条码>外加试验。 再一次走下去,将允许你在<条码>后停机。 最后,你们需要:

import { post_next_questions_request_body } from  ../../post-call-bodies/post-next-questions ;

P.S.:如果你没有很好的理由,请设一个文件夹,在我的经验中不是最好的。 我的两人均是白色空间。 它在如此多的文字和方案中产生了麻烦,如果你真的不需要,那么像APIC 或(甚至更好)Api_tests 这样的东西会更有力。



 import {post_next_questions_request_body} from  ../post-calls-bodies/post-next-questions ; 


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