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春天安全3 保护点不工作
原标题:spring security3 s protect pointcut is not working
  • 时间:2011-11-01 04:59:17
  •  标签:
  • spring

<http > <intercept-url pattern="/a.jsp" access="hasRole( ROLE_X )"/> </http>
in spring security3.0.7 or 3.1
it is Ok. only ROLE_X can see a.jsp page.

<global-method-security > <protect-pointcut expression="execution(* test.Test.o1*(..))" access="hasRole( ROLE_X )"/> </global-method-security>
it is not working,eneryone can use the method test.Test.o1~~

when pre-post-annotations="enabled"
@PreAuthorize("hasRole( ROLE_X )")
it is also not working,eneryone can use the method test.Test.o1~~

i m so sad~~
any advise or used global-method-security demo , ths.


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