English 中文(简体)
原标题:How to swap positions of 2 views via animation in android?

正如我的问题所说的那样,我需要放弃对我的活动提出的2个观点。 我的活动包含一种相对的解说,根据某些条件,它有2个不同地点的意见。

The 2 Views that I need to swap are RelativeLayouts, lets call them as Layout1 and Layout2. So, when these are visible on screen, and user presses a button present at a fixed location in top-right corner, I need to swap the positions of these 2 layouts.

Earlier, I had achieved this, but those layouts were having fixed height then and were positioned one below the other. So all I had to do was vertical movement. But now, dimensions as well as positioning has been made dynamic and hence that code does not work.


[我对我所尝试的内容提出想法——我试图利用SedLocationOnScreen()在屏幕上取得看法,并背弃X和Y数值,了解需要做多少X/Y运动。 这一工作不如预期,有时在工作重叠时,会向相反的方向转移。





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