English 中文(简体)
原标题:Adding text to InnerHTML in TDs with Javascript

I am trying to add text to each cell in particular column via Javascript. Like every 8th TD would be processed for adding text.

Tell me what I have done wrong here/why it doesn t appear in my table:

<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function inventorytable() {
var tableRows = document.getElementById


for(var i = 0, l = tableRows.length; i < l; i++) {
    tds = tableRows.getElementsByTagName("td");
    var processor = tds[8].innerHTML += " Ghz"
    var ram = tds[9].innerHTML += " GB"
    var rspeed = tds[11].innerHTML += " Mhz"

页: 1

tds = tableRows[i].getElementsByTagName("td");


window.onload = function inventorytable() {
    var tableRows = document.getElementById("inventorytable").rows;
             //or .tBodies[0].rows

    for(var i=0, l=tableRows.length; i < l; i++) {
        var tds = tableRows[i].cells;
        /*processor*/ tds[8].innerHTML += " Ghz"
        /*ram      */ tds[9].innerHTML += " GB"
        /*  rspeed */ tds[11].innerHTML += " Mhz"

不界定未使用的变量。 如果你想要澄清其使用,则使用评论。


JavaScript sets are zero-based. So, if you want to refer to the 4th cell, use .cells[3]. At your previous answer, you ve showed a fiddle. see http://jsfiddle.net/ndfh2/.
As you can see, the first row is also getting postfixes. To not add postfixes to these cells in the first row, initiate the counter at one: for( var i=1; .. ; .. )

你目前的法典可能不会奏效,因为你们的浏览量只有12个。 摘录:tds[ number ]上的数字等于一行中的电池指数,从零开始。



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