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未明确提及“_imp__ZN11C1394Camera10InitCameraEi, 1394cmu on eclipse
原标题:undefined reference to `_imp___ZN11C1394Camera10InitCameraEi with 1394cmu on eclipse

I m using this program with Opencv and 1394cmu to grab a video stream from firewire. but when I compile the project I get some errors. the libraries are correctly imported in eclipse in fact the object s method are seen and the two ddl are also correctly imported so I have no idea qhere is the problem

undefined reference to `_imp___ZN11C1394Camera10InitCameraEi    
undefined reference to `_imp___ZN11C1394Camera12AcquireImageEv  
undefined reference to `_imp___ZN11C1394Camera12SetVideoModeEm  
undefined reference to `_imp___ZN11C1394Camera14SetVideoFormatEm    
undefined reference to `_imp___ZN11C1394Camera16StopImageCaptureEv  
undefined reference to `_imp___ZN11C1394Camera17SetVideoFrameRateEm     
undefined reference to `_imp___ZN11C1394Camera21StartImageAcquisitionEv 
undefined reference to `_imp___ZN11C1394Camera6getRGBEPhm   
undefined reference to `_imp___ZN11C1394Camera9CheckLinkEv  
undefined reference to `_imp___ZN11C1394CameraC1Ev  

 #include "1394Camera.h"

// adjust parameters to your needs
#define CAM_RES_WIDTH 640
#define CAM_RES_HEIGHT 480

//camera object of the 1394CMU driver
C1394Camera Camera;

 int main( int argc, char** argv )
    // several checks if camera is connected and can be initialized as well as setting
    // of camera properties and starting of image aquisition
    if(Camera.CheckLink() != CAM_SUCCESS)
No Link.");
            return -1;
    if(Camera.InitCamera() != CAM_SUCCESS)
Initialization failed.");
            return -1;
    if(Camera.SetVideoFormat(0) != CAM_SUCCESS)
Could not set video format.");
            return -1;
    if(Camera.SetVideoMode(5) != CAM_SUCCESS)
Could not set video mode.");
            return -1;
    if(Camera.SetVideoFrameRate(4) != CAM_SUCCESS)
Could not set frame rate.");
            return -1;
    if(Camera.StartImageAcquisition() != CAM_SUCCESS)
Could not start image acquisation.");
            return -1;

  //give camera a chance to inititalize and adjust before starting frame aquisition

    cvNamedWindow( "Source",1);     

    IplImage *Image = cvCreateImage( cvSize(CAM_RES_WIDTH, CAM_RES_HEIGHT), 8,      CAM_RES_CHANNELS);

  //aquire frame from camera
    if(Camera.AcquireImage() != CAM_SUCCESS)
Could not acquire image.");
            return 1;

  //read frame from internal CMU1394 storage to buffer
    Camera01.getRGB((unsigned char*)(Image->imageData), (CAM_RES_WIDTH*CAM_RES_HEIGHT*3));

    cvShowImage("Source", Image);


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