记忆地址和作业类型载于例外记录结构内的例外信息领域。 http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/a363082%28v=VS.85%29.aspx“rel=” MSDN:
An array of additional arguments that describe the exception. The RaiseException function can specify this array of arguments. For most exception codes, the array elements are undefined. The following table describes the exception codes whose array elements are defined.
Exception code Meaning
The first element of the array contains a read-write flag that indicates the type of operation that caused the access violation. If this value is zero, the thread attempted to read the inaccessible data. If this value is 1, the thread attempted to write to an inaccessible address. If this value is 8, the thread causes a user-mode data execution prevention (DEP) violation.