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原标题:CSS display table vs normal HTML Table

For some reason I need to display tabular data in my web application but not using native, semantic table, thead, tbody, th, td tags. I found CSS properties that make html elements "look"/"behave" like tables:

rel=“nofollow noreferer”> http://www.quirksmode.org/css/display.html



I ve tried out a small test, but can t figure out using least effort how to make a CSS table look like a native html table: http://jsfiddle.net/rniestroj/6Lyvm/ The columns completly do not align. Maybe I should somewhere apply display: table-column? But where?



Browser is 8.0b6.


The problem is with: .body and .footer divs. You don t assign style for them so they are rendered as "display: block" s and break your layout. I added "display: table-row-group;" to .body, and "display: table-footer-group;" to .footer. This fixed it.




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