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JCRQ 多种价值的财产搜索
原标题:JCR SQL2 Multivalue properties search

I want to do a search in the content repository using one or more of the values as an input parameter for a multivalue property Something like: find all nodes with the primary type nt:unstructured whose property multiprop (multivalue property) contains both values "one" and "two".

问询会如何解决Manager的问题。 创造 Qu?

Thank you.


你们可以像其他标准一样对待多价值财产的标准。 例如,下面的询问将发现对一些不动产具有白狗价值的所有节点:

SELECT * FROM [nt:unstructured] WHERE someProp =  white dog 


找到具有多价值财产多重价值的节点,简单地和综合多种标准。 例如,以下询问将归还所有具有两种特定价值的节点:

SELECT * FROM [nt:unstructured] WHERE someProp =  white dog  
                                  AND someProp =  black dog 


SELECT * FROM [nt:unstructured] WHERE someProp LIKE  %white%   
                                  AND someProp LIKE  %black% 

Other combinations are possible, of course.



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