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NFC 标签可由国际发展部阅读? [闭门]
原标题:NFC tags can be read by RFID reader? [closed]

上周,我用NFR阅读器/写作包购买了NFC标记(打字机),能够使用Atotags软件(与NFC购买电话)。 我在这里的问题是,这些东岸委的标签可由国际发展部的读者阅读? NFC和RFID都采用了类似的频率范围(13.5兆赫)。 我们通过国际发展部拥有办公室接入系统,可以事先由国际发展部的标签取代。 请提出咨询意见。


We just did some dirty experiment, and it seem it can be done.
We have been able to use a RFID reader to read an NFC tag.

Keep in mind that this is some dirty experiment done as is in a few minutes just to see if it s possible.

我们使用的是RFID读物,能够读到ISO 14443-A标准,读者被编为Mifare supralight。

NFC 页: 1 类型2,有137个可用记忆。


因此,memory Effective accessible with a RFID 14443-A Mifare supralight/em> bereader amount to 4*12 bytes = 48 Bytes.

我们用三星银河S4号设计了NFC的帽子,然后用PC+RFID的读者阅读了该信,然后,我们在同国际发展部读者的Nfc 标签的一页上写了一些数据,然后我们重新阅读了NFC的帽子。 一切都毫无问题。

I没有了解NFC Tag如何限制插图/数据,但Galaxy S4知道,关于NFC标签的数据只有X字节。 因此,如果你计划用国际发展部的读者/作者书写东岸委的标签,并用智能电话读取,那么,你需要制定数据格式标准,用以确定数据类型、扼杀性终止/规模以及这类内容。

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 我想清楚的是,我不知道一下一下一下一下一下,是否读了一部装有“Mifare超光”的NFC Tag,是支持的特征/标准: 我刚刚尝试过,并且工作。


About the RFID Reader

I ve been asked to add more details about the dirty experiment we did:
The RFID Reader we use is a RFID Reader/Writer BMU-01 built by Nexus Technologies

From the Italian version of the product page, you can download the driver and the SDK.

为了进行我们的ir脏试验,我们使用了国际电传。 SDK的外延效用:它是一种微小的软件,你可以用来测试读/写,其依据是国际发展部的读者/读者支持的所有标准。

我们配置了ICTransfer.exe使用卡片类型: 14443-A

enter image description here

一旦获得国际发展部的读者,以及安装的驾驶员,你就应当能够启动国际转让。 事后将其与国际发展部的读者连接起来(MenuSet (P)PortSet/em>,然后MenuSet (P)Connect),然后,您可尝试读/write / NFC tag

BMU-01是一个短距离阅读器,因此它将探测到NFC Tag到最大距离的几平米(3/4厘米)。

So we used the SDK utility to do our NFC read/write test. Clearly it s possible to use the sample and the documentation in the SDK to create a custom software to do the same.

About the NFC Tag

To do our test, we used some NFC Tag NTAG203 Type 2, I bought them here on Ebay. But there are a lot of reseller...
I m not very expert about NFC Tag, anyway, I can tell you that some NFC tag is compatible with all smartphone, and some is not (as reported in the specification, so pay attention to the specs when you buy NFC tag).

不同类型的东北大西洋渔业委员会标签可以持有不同的信息,而我们使用的NFC Tag NTAG203型类型2在使用适当的东北大西洋渔业委员会读者/作者时有137个可用记忆器(我使用我的银河S4),但我们在国际发展部的读者实验中只能获得48个记忆。

关于某种不同类型的国家合作框架塔格,我可以复制/提供以下信息:。 论坛

NFC Forum Type 1 Tag Operation Specification Type 1 Tag is based on ISO/IEC 14443A. Tags are read and re-write capable; users can configure the tag to become read-only. Memory availability is 96 bytes and expandable to 2 kbyte.

NFC Forum Type 2 Tag Operation Specification Type 2 Tag is based on ISO/IEC 14443A. Tags are read and re-write capable; users can configure the tag to become read-only. Memory availability is 48 bytes and expandable to 2 kbyte.

NFC Forum Type 3 Tag Operation Specification Type 3 Tag is based on the Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS) X 6319-4, also known as FeliCa. Tags are pre-configured at manufacture to be either read and re-writable, or read-only. Memory availability is variable, theoretical memory limit is 1MByte per service.

NFC Forum Type 4 Tag Operation Specification 2.0 (November 2010) Type 4 Tag is fully compatible with the ISO/IEC 14443 standard series. Tags are pre-configured at manufacture to be either read and re-writable, or read-only. The memory availability is variable, up to 32 KBytes per service; the communication interface is either Type A or Type B compliant.

还有一个有趣的网站I ve 有许多NFC信息:http://rapidnfc.com/_nfc_chip


There are two RFID ranges - the one you mentioned, at 13.5MHz, readable by NFC devices - and the other is 13.4KHz, which NFC cannot communicate with.

Two additional points to mention:

  • RFID access systems most probably se only cards UID, not some data on the card. cards, is in 13.5MHZ range, are most probably of type4.
  • Those stickers are most probably NFC tags type 2 I guess they have different uid length. most probably UID readers you have depend only on cards UIDs, and not some store content.

如果你真想更换卡片,就与你的供应商协商,以确定是否有能力重新计算读物者,或自行执行可编造的中转读物。 I d recommendation a Arduino with rel=“noreferer”>NFC屏蔽

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