English 中文(简体)
IE 9正在像Thton那样被点击,两度上面墙,并添加类似评论。
原标题:IE 9 is posting to facebook wall twice when like button is clicked and a comment is added to like


有什么想法可以造成这种情况? 似乎就象一个独立实体吗? 问题。 基本上,Im使用锡克教文等锡克教文。 在我接受测试的同时,我注意到,如果我“类似的东西”,然后在似乎一样的纽芬兰语中写一句话,那么这个职位就出现在我的脸书上。 看起来像我刚刚点击“类似”并且没有补充评论,然后又看上去。

Any ideas as to how to fix this? I don t want IE users not liking my content out of fear that they will spam their facebook wall.


To be honest it actually makes sense that it would add one as like and the other as comment because it is divided up just like that!

To delve a little deeper, does this action vary between browsers, if so 1.) how and 2.) can you provide an example for us to see?

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