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Perl Net:SMTP - How use
原标题:Perl Net::SMTP - How to use
  • 时间:2011-11-01 21:07:50
  •  标签:
  • perl
  • smtp



 my $smtp = Net::SMTP->new(Host => $host);


Net::SMTP=GLOB(0x7f9893114798)>>> SEND FROM:<[email protected]>
Net::SMTP=GLOB(0x7f9893114798)<<< 450 Unable to send to "<[email protected]" at this time


The Perldoc wasn t too much of a help because the send, send_and_mail, send_or_mail, and mail commands are all described together, and I had assumed were pretty much aliases of each other.

我研究了其他例子,并决定尝试$smtp->mail 而不是$smtp->send。 这样做了。

因此,<代码>send、>、、>send_and_mailsend_or_mail方法之间有何区别? 我是否需要逐一尝试? 我知道它们与《SENDSOSAML在员工和管理当局协调处的指挥一致,但我确实能够发现任何东西能告诉我这些差异。 而且,不同的员工和管理当局协调会服务器使用不同的指挥系统。 (5月改为<代码>send 以前使用的方法?


http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5321#appendix-F.6"rel=“nofollow noreferer”>RFC 5321, 附录F.6:

"In addition to specifying a mechanism for delivering messages to user s mailboxes, RFC 821 provided additional, optional, commands to deliver messages directly to the user s terminal screen. These commands (SEND, SAML, SOML) were rarely implemented, and changes in workstation technology and the introduction of other protocols may have rendered them obsolete even where they are implemented.

"Clients SHOULD NOT provide SEND, SAML, or SOML as services. Servers MAY implement them. If they are implemented by servers, the implementation model specified in RFC 821 MUST be used and the command names MUST be published in the response to the EHLO command."

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