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g++ 4.2 最低生活标准指示的在线组装,总结用户组代码和经协调的自动生活标准登记册副本
原标题:g++ 4.2 inline assembly of SSE instructions wraps up user assembly code with aligned XMM register copy


  vec8w x86_sse_ldvwu(const vec8w* m) { 
     vec8w rd; 
     asm("movdqu %[m],%[rd]" : [rd] "=x" (rd) : [m] "xm" (*m)); 
     return rd; 


  sub    $0x1c,%esp
  mov    0x24(%esp),%eax
  movdqa (%eax),%xmm0 
  movdqu %xmm0,%xmm0
  movdqa %xmm0,(%esp)
  movdqa (%esp),%xmm0
  add    $0x1c,%esp

The code isn t terribly efficient, but that isn t my concern. As you can see the inline assembler inserts a movdqa instruction copying from the address in %eax to xmm0. The problem is that the pointer vec8w* m is not 128 bytes aligned, so I get a seg fault when movdqa is being executed. My question is whether there is a way to instruct the inline assembler to use movdqu instead of movdqa (that it uses by default)? I tried to look for a workaround using SSE intrinsic functions for g++, but somehow I cannot find movdqu in xmmintrin.h file (where it should be declared, I suppose). Unfortunately, I cannot modify the code so that the function is always called for an aligned argument m.


您研究的内在特征是_mm_loadu_si128。 定义见emmintrin.h。 它们是SSE2。 <代码>xmmintrin.h 头盔只载有SSE(1)指令。

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