I have a textarea that starts with text I don t want the user to be able to change and are prevented in doing so by the following:
- The left key and backspace work until it reaches the position of the undeletable text.
- The up key has a special function and doesn t serve navigational purposes (returns false).
- (With the previous two rules, the user cannot place the caret in this region via arrow keys)
- When the user clicks the element, the caret is placed at the end of the textarea (on mouse down).
- Home and ctrl+a have been handled too.
Don t Delete Anything Before the Colon: Your text here. The user text will also
wrap like this.
我知道,我的情况只是一个:Drag和下降。 我知道,如何完全减少和减少,但这是我想要的。 我不想让不可磨灭的文本能够改变。 Can 在允许退学之前,我将给予照顾。 或者,我能否阻止退学,但能否进入退学事件,把它放在我喜欢的地方?