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原标题:How to write UPDATE query to use two columns from other table that are from same random row?

我的表格A有几栏。 我愿向表中所列各行提供最新情况。 每一行头两栏随机从表B头两栏中选取。 然而,我不能使用类似的东西。

update TableA
    set col1 = (select top 1 col1 from TableB order by newid()),
        col2 = (select top 1 col2 from TableB order by newid())

由于我需要表B中的两栏是随机选择的同一行。 我怎么能写一个问询,以确保表B的两栏来自同一行?




-- make temporary table to use row numbers for TableA
select id, row_number() over (order by $/0) as [row] into #a from TableA;
-- make enough copies of TableB to have same number of rows as TableA
with n as
    select distinct n = number
           from [master]..spt_values
           where number between 1 and floor((select count(*) from TableA) / (select count(*) from TableB))
select b.col1, b.col2, row_number() over (order by newid()) as [row]
into #TableBRandom
from (
    select col1, col2 from TableB, n
    union all
    select top ((select count(*) from TableA) % (select count(*) from TableB)) col1, col2 from TableB
) b
-- update TableA
update TableA
    set col1 = (select top 1 col1 from #TableBRandom where [row] = (select [row] from #a where #a.id = TableA.id)),
        col2 = (select top 1 col2 from #TableBRandom where [row] = (select [row] from #a where #a.id = TableA.id))


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