English 中文(简体)
原标题:What s the worst-case complexity for finding n/2 smallest values for different data structures?

For different data structures such as linked lists, arrays (sorted/unsorted, trees etc. of size n, what is the worst-case time-complexity of finding the n/2 smallest values in each of them? Is it the same as the complexity for Find operations?

Edit: So, what s the complexity for these data structures? Unsorted Linked list, unsorted array, splay trees and hash tables?


Not necessarily. For instance, for a sorted array you can find the n/2 smallest values in constant time.


如果你认为树木是平衡的,那么发现最小的数值是...... “所有价值观都与根基的“ft”。

You cannot generalize it quite as much, it depends fully on the data structure.

如果不具体说明算法,或至少说明数据结构,就不可能具体说明问题的复杂性。 有一些数据结构是绝对的夜班,没有使用更适合的中间储存结构。 举例来说,紧缩比阵列要困难得多,因为你不能随意抽取分子。


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