English 中文(简体)
4. 达格·哈马舍尔德图书馆同时提出请求
原标题:Ruby library to make multiple HTTP requests simultaneously

I m 寻找一个替代的Rub HTTP图书馆,使多功能的吉大港定居人士协会同时使用,并比核心网更好地运作:吉大港定居人士协会图书馆。






为什么需要一个网络图书馆来处理平行问题? 这正是什么样子。

require "open-uri"

fetcher = lambda do |uri|
  puts "Started fetching #{uri}"
  puts open(uri).read
  puts "Stopped fetching #{uri}"

thread1 = Thread.new("http://localhost:9292", &fetcher)
thread2 = Thread.new("http://localhost:9293", &fetcher)


Also, I don t understand what do you mean by "performs better". Core libraries are usually good enough to be in the core. Do you have any problems with Net::HTTP?

你们可以使用平行的宝石,应该与任何Ruby HTTP图书馆合作。

如果不能更好地进行打字,英国广播公司可以使用突发事件+胚胎。 发出多重要求就是一个例子。

require  eventmachine 
require  em-http 

EventMachine.run {
  multi = EventMachine::MultiRequest.new

  reqs = [
     http://google.com/ ,

  reqs.each_with_index do |url, idx|
    http = EventMachine::HttpRequest.new(url, :connect_timeout => 1)
    req = http.get
    multi.add idx, req

  multi.callback  do
    p multi.responses[:callback].size
    p multi.responses[:errback].size


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