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原标题:The char type in Java behaves somewhat in a strange way?
  • 时间:2011-11-04 02:28:08
  •  标签:
  • java
  • char

Let s consider the following simple expressions in Java.

char c= A ;
int i=c+1;

System.out.println("i = "+i);

这一点在 Java和返回66中完全有效,即c+1的特性(Unicode)的相应价值。

String temp="";
System.out.println("temp = "+temp);


以下所有发言在 Java也令人惊讶地有效!

Integer intType=new Integer(c);
System.out.println("temp = "+intType);

Double  doubleType=new Double(c);
System.out.println("temp = "+doubleType);

Float floatType=new Float(c);
System.out.println("temp = "+floatType);

BigDecimal decimalType=new BigDecimal(c);
System.out.println("temp = "+decimalType);

虽然C是一种char,但可以不错地提供,所有上述说法都被视为有效陈述。 它们分别产生以下产出。

temp = 65
temp = 65.0
temp = 65.0
temp = 65

在这种情况下,char/strong>的内部行为是什么。 Java的类型?


慈善是一种原始数字综合体,因此必须遵守这些信标的所有规则,包括转换和升级。 您希望就此读到,而家庭、青年和体育部是这方面的最佳来源之一:,《转化与推广。 尤其是,读到“5.1.2 扩大主机转换”的简短轨道。


果园类似于16轨。 你们可以把其他东西推到强硬。 它是特征的捷径。



Edit: Further to Henery s comment below, you are right of course, Java does use unicode to represent character content (original text updated to reflect this) - but as we know, the first 127 ASCII and Unicode chars more or less match, and so any manipulation performed within the character range 0..127 would be the same for both ASCII and Unicode, meaning that converting between the two are trivial.

The old-timers amongst us were probably taught and remember most of the ASCII table, rather than the Unicode table, and indeed I still keep a ASCII crib sheet in my desk for quick referal. Oh, and +1 for Henery s comment, for making me actually clarify what I wrote.

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