English 中文(简体)
原标题:MetaSearch undefined method all in controller

我不想在我的铁路3号卫星上与梅塔斯群岛进行搜索。 然而,当我开始在251号铁路预测之后,Im已在我的用户冷却指数行动中找到一种未界定的方法。 这部法典:

def index
  @search = User.search(params[:search])
  @users = @search.all

The start of my form:

<% form_for :search, @search, :html => {:method => :get} do |f| %>
  <%= f.label :high_school_contains %>
  <%= f.text_field :high_school_contains %><br />
  <%= f.submit %>
<% end %>


gem  meta_search 

Both Ryan and Ernie Miller recommend code along those lines in the index action, but something is obviously wrong. Any ideas on what it could be?


你们是否使用其他搜索办法,如思潮或确定模型中的搜索方法? 如果是,它首先界定了搜索方法,并使用这种方法,源代码:

alias_method :search, :metasearch unless respond_to?(:search) 


@search = User.metasearch(params[:search])


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