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原标题:How do I scrape a site, with multiple pages, and create one single html page with Ruby?
  • 时间:2011-11-05 17:41:16
  •  标签:
  • ruby
  • hpricot

So what I would like to do is scrape this site: http://boxerbiography.blogspot.com/ and create one HTML page that I can either print or send to my Kindle.




我确实必须看一看其中一条的渊源(正好是前文),例如: 查阅来源:http:// Boxerbiography.blogspot.com/2006/12/10-progamer-lim-yohwan-e-sports-icon.html,并人工编排某些标签之间的文字(如h3,p等)?

如果我采取这种做法,我就不得不研究每一章/条款的每个来源,然后这样做。 难道不能够打败书写文字的目的吗?





I d recomment using Nokogiri instead of Hpricot. It s more robust, uses less resources, fewer bugs, it s easier to use, and faster.

I did some scraping extensively for work on time, and had to switch to Nokogiri, because Hpricot would crash on some pages unexplicably.

检查这种铁路 种姓:

http://railscasts.com/episodes/190-cr-scraping-with-nokogiri” rel=“nofollow”http://railscasts.com/episodes/190-cr-scraping-with-nokogiri



http://www.engineyard.com/blog/ 2010_started-with-nokogiri/



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