English 中文(简体)
原标题:logic issue or something more?
  • 时间:2011-11-04 17:41:54
  •  标签:
  • c++
  • loops

我的节目模拟一个视频储存。 我的名单上有多份录像。 如果我试图租用一个录像带,名单上第一个录像带已经租用,那么我的节目就无法继续检查其他复印件是否可用(如果黄玉米为0,则有一部电影)。 从名单上找到成员,以便更好地了解描述什么是:


谁能看一看,让我知道他们是否发现一个问题? 感谢任何帮助。

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 主要

     int index = 0;
     bool found = false;

     while (!found)
         if (strncmp(filmId,filmList.getAt(index).number,6) == 0 && strncmp("0000",filmList.getAt(index).rent_id,5) == 0)//If that film is rented by NO customer
             found = true;//customer can rent it

             strcpy(newItem.number,filmId);//copy filmId into newItem
             filmList.retrieve(newItem);//copy the struct in our orderedList with the same filmId/copy into newItem
             filmList.remove(newItem);//delete the struct with same filmId/copy as newItem from the orderedList
             strcpy(newItem.rent_id,custId);//update info in
             strcpy(newItem.rent_date,rentDate);//           newItem to show
             strcpy(newItem.return_date,dueDate);//                          that it has been rented
             filmList.insert(newItem);//put NewItem into list, effectivily replacing the removed item.

             cout << "Rent confirmed!" << endl;
             if (strncmp(filmId,filmList.getAt(index).number,6) > 0 || strncmp("0000",filmList.getAt(index).rent_id,5) > 0)
                 ++ index;
                 throw string ("Not in list");
 catch (string s)
     cout << "
***Failure*** " << s << endl;




Let s say we are looking up 101001Casablanca, therefore I m assuming filmId = "101001Casablanca". Also, assume the 101001Casablanca is checked out to customer 0001. We are comparing the first 6 characters of filmId to filmList.getAt(index).number, which I m going to assume is at the very least "101001". This passes, but since it is checked out the second condition fails.

在其他情况下,我们首先检查同样的扼杀,从假冒的扼杀中恢复0。 第二个条件也是假的,因为扼杀(0”、“0001”、“5)为-1。 因此,我们走到最后的道路。




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