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原标题:instance of a class inside that class in java
  • 时间:2011-11-05 19:36:49
  •  标签:
  • java

Here i m declaring an instance of class animal in the same class. In c It is considered an error:

struct demo{
        int anyvar;
        struct demo anyvar1;


然后, 为什么在 Java允许使用这一法典?

class Animal{
    Animal object1 = new Animal();

    public static void main(String[] args)
            Animal obj = new Animal();

    public void dostuff()

    public void keepdoingstuff()
             System.out.println("Doing Stuff...");


因为在 Java,你重新宣布一个包含参比值>的变量;点名。


struct demo{

    int anyvar;
    struct demo *anyvar1;


public class Node
   Node next;
   String value;

   public Node() { ... }


next and value are automatically initialized to null when a Node object is instantiated and will remain so until a reference value is assigned to them.

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