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原标题:POST being sent as a GET

I m writing a Flex application that uses HTTPService to communicate with a php script, in order to do a query on a database. Everything works fine if i use a GET request, but it doesn t work with POST. For some odd reason, the php script is actually receiving a GET request instead of POST. Also, it seems not to carry the parameters that i sent from the flex app.


<mx:HTTPService id="userRequest" url="url" 
                useProxy="false" method="POST" result="checkTransmissionCode()"> 
    <s:request xmlns=""> 

private function sendCode() :void{

private function checkTransmissionCode() :void {                                                                            
                this.currentState= transmission ;

I ve already found some other threads of people with a similar problem, but none of them helped me with this... Does anyone knows why this is happening, or have any idea on how to solve this?


What you are doing should work. Are there any redirect in place on the server side? I believe those would change the request type from a Post to a Get.

在灵活2天中,在将这种方法归根到吉大港定居地之前,我曾遇到过困难问题,在访问YouTube REST 标语时。 它需要获得请求,但吉大港山区服务公司违约是员额。 我得以通过向GET而不是POST指定一个吉大港山区负责人来解决这一问题。 也许你可以采用同样的方法,但相反。


private function sendCode() :void{
 userRequest.headers[ X-HTTP-Method-Override ] =  POST ;        

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