English 中文(简体)
原标题:Method not found (Compact framework windows form implementing an interface)

Windows Mobile 6.5 Application
VS 2008 (9.0.30729.4462)


I have another project myproject.impl that has a control ctrl and a form frm.

myproject.impl referencemyproject.base.

控制<代码>ctrl 执行IGuiStuff

public interface IGuiStuff
    InputPanel MyPanel {get; set;}

当我使用<代码>ctrl时,frm i 在试图查看设计师时,有一个例外,即<代码>MyPanel是通过<代码>ctrl执行的。 但是,MyPanelis,由ctrl执行。

我曾尝试过各种清洁/再造/双手 st/优惠......。


<><>Update 1

I have tried building a new project structure from scratch with the same settings as in the current projects. Then I have added all .cs, .Desiger.cs and .resx files from each project and built the project. The exact same problem still occurs.

<><>Update 2

利用IL Spy,我可以核实执行工作确实已经完成。


<><>Update 3


不能装上微软文档或组装。 WindowsCE.Forms, edition=, Culture= Neu, PublicKey Token=969db8053d3322ac或其一个属地。 所在地的议会明确定义与集会参照不相符。 (摘自HRESULT: 0x80131040)


Btw, I have installed Microsoft.WindowsCE.Forms, Version= into GAC.

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 附录4

我在更新《契约框架》3.5之前,先从源头控制找到最后版本。 页: 1 (只有设计者,最终方案进行罚款)

Is it a bug or is it something that goes wrong while upgrading?



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