English 中文(简体)
原标题:A very strange behavior of service stack

I am currently working on azure platform to get performance data in my application. My client needs to attach my console application which fetches data in there webrole startup task and it works for them in my application

I had used WCF in my project, now I want to change it and use Service stack instead to get better performance.





I also try to access the REST Service stack in RDP, it is also works and I can fire GET request in that.


但它没有在我的行文中插入数据。 (我在当地工作)


Can anyone tell me for what this message says?


I have done some research and find out I need to supply service stack (.dlls) with my exe separately to work this properly. The question is that, I think it should automatically reference with my console application EXE which I supply to my client, because in project I already give reference to services stack dlls. Is anyone having idea, why it is needed to supply separately?.



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