Rewrite Rule ^([0-9]+)$ profilescorta.php?t=$1 [L]
因此,如果用户正在使用诸如http:// url/1231231234等链接,该网页就正确展示。
Now, if someone tries to access a link like: http:// url/123.123.1234 - the 404 error page is showed.
I have added this rule to .htaccess RewriteRule ^([0-9]+).(.*) $1$2 [N]
If someone is accesing: http:// url/123.123.1234 - the page is correctly displayed but now the problem is that the same page has 2 different links: http:// url/123.123.1234 and http:// url/1231231234
Thanks, Bogdan