我很抱歉,但我要提出我试图解决这一问题以及实际问题。 Maybe 我要指出另一种可能更好的办法。
我愿建立一个错开的手递系统。 我将有几个手递模块。 基本想法是,在初始阶段,这些单元将在活动清单中登记其处理的活动(登记、登记、登记)。 如果触发了一场活动,则将对该活动清单进行研究,并创建和管理所有列出的单元。 为了实现这一点,所有单元都有一个接口。
自2006年以来 我只想在实际活动中立即介绍这些单元,我要么需要一种办法,向建筑商(“虚拟建筑商”)储存一个点子,因为我知道,没有虚拟建筑商,我还要加上一个工厂方法。 我知道的传统做法是:
class myInterface { public: ... static virtual *myInterface builder() = 0; //is static (pure) virtual possible? }; class example : public myInterface { public: ... static virtual *myInterface builder() { return new example(); } };
I would then have to store pointers to the builder() functions in the event list and execute the functions in case the event occurs to create the objects. I am wondering if there is a way arround writing
static virtual *myInterface builder() { return new example(); }
for every example module. A template approach would be to put it like this:template static virtual *myInterface builder() { return new T(); }
class example: public myInterface { static void registerMe { register(event1,builder<example>()); register(event2,builder<example>()); ... register(eventn,builder<example>()); } };
it would be way more convenient if a call like
would be sufficient. i could addregister(event)
to the interface, but I dont want to rewrite the register function for every template which would readvoid register(event) { getListForEvent(event).pushBack(builder<example>()); }
So is there a more conviniant way? (During the pondering and writing of this I came up with inheriting from a template class. If polimorphism works with template classes with different instantiation parameters. Otherwise I have to use an Interface class, wrap it in a template and Inherit from that )
第二个问题是,我有来自我的接口类别的不同类别。 然而,他们的成员在接口中没有定义。 我要向成员职能储存一个职能点,我如何这样做? 这种类型必须接受不同的基类,但功能签名的其余部分相同(见下文)。
class A : public interface { void myFunc() }; class A : public interface { void yourFunc() }; whatType* a = &A::myFunc; whatType* b = &B::yourFunc;