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木质复杂性与 lo合吗?
原标题:logarithmic complexity represented with loop?

只要我看一看,其细致的复杂性就能够作为简单的 lo和精细的复杂性来代表。 如何代表部落和原木的复杂性?




for (i = 1; i <= N; i *= 2)




Logarithmic is not so straightforward and usually requires a recursive relation. For example, MergeSort is O(n*log(n)) because it forms a recursion tree of height log(n) and each level requires an O(n) merging operation.

  • Cubic - three nested loops
  • Logarithmic - the idea that on each loop cycle you are splitting input data set by parts (or somehow makes it smaller) and in the next cycle process shortened data set, so basically complexity does not growth significantly whilst input data set growth. For instance take a look at the BinarySearch algorithm or any an other Divide and conquer algorithm.

3. 复杂性——三个nes:

      // actions

Logarithm diversity example - binary search


O(log n)由每台自动取款机代表,需要处理的数据数量减少了一半。

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