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浏览器中的网络传输系统。 是否正在mad?
原标题:webkitTransform bug in safari? Am i going mad?

我认为,我已经看到了一条灯塔。 我想知道,有人会碰到这一点,这非常严重,但很模糊。

look at this in chrome and in safari, when you click the link, the div rotates and should expand the page horizontally to ensure the whole page is visible. Everything works in chrome, you can see this by scrolling to the right, the bottom right hand corner touches the edge of the screen. However Safari just cuts it off? Can anyone suggest a workaround for safari got to admit I m stumped? This is pretty serious if it s not just me which can see this...


Thanks very much Alex


OK, so answering my own question here, not sure if it s good form (pretty new here)


解决办法:更新Sissas,或将一个常规内容放在儿童部分上,请指出,如果这种立场绝对不是在标准流动(相对)中,那么,为了行之有效,你也必须积极加以调整。 如果你使用轮值,矩阵等,你必须做三角,以获得新的捆绑箱规模。




//hack for bad rotation overflow support in safari <5.1
        if($.browser.safari && parseInt($.browser.version)<534)
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