English 中文(简体)
• 如何超越C++分配班的施工方法的违约信条 附件
原标题:How to overwrite the default behavor of the construct method in the allocator class in C++ STL
  • 时间:2011-11-11 04:53:55
  •  标签:
  • c++
  • stl

你们如何超越STL中分配班的施工方法的违约行为? 下述情况似乎并不可行:

#include <list>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>

struct MyObj {
    MyObj() {
        std::cout << "This is the constructor" << std::endl;
    MyObj(const MyObj& x) {
        std::cout << "This is the copy constructor" << std::endl;

class MyAlloc : public std::allocator <MyObj>{
    void construct(pointer p, const_reference t){
        std::cout << "Construct in the allocator" << std::endl;
        new( (void*)p ) MyObj(t);

int main(){
    MyObj x;         
    std::list <MyObj,MyAlloc> list(5,x);


This is the constructor
This is the copy constructor
This is the copy constructor
This is the copy constructor
This is the copy constructor
This is the copy constructor


This is the constructor
Construct in the allocator
This is the copy constructor
Construct in the allocator
This is the copy constructor
Construct in the allocator
This is the copy constructor
Construct in the allocator
This is the copy constructor
Construct in the allocator
This is the copy constructor

欢迎分配者这一美好的世界。 我希望你们会得到你们的停留,尽管这是不可能的。

细则1:不产生于<代码>std:alplaceor。 如果你想使用自己的分配办法,那么就写上你自己的拨款人。 如果你想要“摆脱”在以下几个功能中的某些功能:定位器,则简单地创建<代码>std:allotore ,并将其职能称作无隐藏的职能。

注:衍生物实际上不会奏效。 在C++03中,分配器被允许拥有国家,而单位点计为国家。 因此,分配器可能没有虚拟功能。 正因如此,<条码> : 并没有虚拟功能。

第2条:<代码>std:list<T>never<>m>>>>>>分拨/code>。 成员:<代码>std:list是一个链接清单。 它分配nodes,其中有一个T作为成员。 它通过一些模版的魔术来这样做,它把你的器级作为参数,将其内部分辨率作为参数,并将同一模板的新分配器目标退回,但采用不同的模板参数。

It does this via a template struct member of your allocator call rebind, which has a member typedef called other that defines the new allocator type. In your case, std::list will do this:

MyAlloc::rebind<_ListInternalNodeType>::other theAllocatorIWillActuallyUse();

And that is still provided by the base class. So the type of MyAlloc::rebind<_ListInternalNodeType>::other is std::allocator<_ListInternalNodeType>. Which is the allocator type that std::list will use to actually allocate things.

你必须做比你在你的法典中做些什么。 这是为使《公约》发挥作用而需要的最低法典:

template<typename T>
class MyAlloc : public std::allocator <T>
     typedef size_t     size_type;
     typedef ptrdiff_t  difference_type;
     typedef T*         pointer;
     typedef const T*   const_pointer;
     typedef T&         reference;
     typedef const T&   const_reference;
     typedef T          value_type;

     template<typename U>
     struct rebind
       typedef MyAlloc <U> other; 

     MyAlloc() {}

     template<typename U>
     MyAlloc(const MyAlloc<U>&) {}

     void construct(pointer p, const_reference t){
        std::cout << "Construct in the allocator" << std::endl;
        new( (void*)p ) MyObj(t);



   int main(){
    MyObj x;         
    std::list <MyObj,MyAlloc<MyObj> > list(5,x);


This is the constructor
Construct in the allocator
This is the copy constructor
Construct in the allocator
This is the copy constructor
Construct in the allocator
This is the copy constructor
Construct in the allocator
This is the copy constructor
Construct in the allocator
This is the copy constructor

Online demo : http://www.ideone.com/QKdqm

这一最低代码的总体想法是超越<代码>rebind的定义。 基础类别中的班级模板std:allotor 定义如下:

template<typename U>
struct rebind
    typedef std::allocator<U> other; 


template<typename U>
struct rebind
    typedef MyAlloc<U> other; 


这样一来,就有必要使衍生类别(类型)的名称(如果出现的话,这些名称不能作为<代码>MyAlloc,现在就是一个类别模板)。 因此,你可以写道:

template<typename T>
class MyAlloc : public std::allocator <T>
    typedef std::allocator <T> base;
     typedef typename base::size_type        size_type;
     typedef typename base::difference_type  difference_type;
     typedef typename base::pointer          pointer;
     typedef typename base::const_pointer    const_pointer;
     typedef typename base::reference        reference;
     typedef typename base::const_reference  const_reference;
     typedef typename base::value_type       value_type;

     //same as before


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