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B. 安装在用户控制下的最新小组
原标题:Update panel placed in user control causes full postback

I have a user control. Which contains update panel. I want to update only part of the page for SelectIndexChanged event of radiobutton list, but my update panel causes full post back. I am using vs-2010.

The hierarchy is as below. Master page->.aspx page->user control->user control->update panel

我试图这样做,把用户控制直接放在下页。 在本案中,它进行罚款。


    <td colspan="2">
        <asp:UpdatePanel ID="upMedicalStatus" runat="server">
             <table class="TABLE100">
                  <td> 1.</td>
                  <td>Diabetes Mellitus</td>
                  <td align="right">
                      <asp:RadioButtonList ID="rdbDiabetes" runat="server"                                               RepeatDirection="Horizontal"                                       onselectedindexchanged="rdbDiabetes_SelectedIndexChanged" 
                         <asp:ListItem Value="True">Yes</asp:ListItem>
                         <asp:ListItem Value="False">No</asp:ListItem>
                <asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="rdbDiabetes" EventName="SelectedIndexChanged" />
                        <%--<asp:PostBackTrigger ControlID="rdbDiabetes" />--%>


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