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Mer 否所有档案,只有一或多份档案材料除外?
原标题:Ignore all files except one or more files from a specific file type in Mercurial?

Identical question to gitignore: Ignore all files in folder hierarchy except one specific filetype, but for Mercurial.

I want .hgignore to ignore all files except one or more files from a specific file type, for instance only allow files of the *.java and *.class file type to be tracked, in the current directory as well as sub directories.

For example, in the following directory:


I only want the following files to be included (including the structure of the directories):



I ve tried applying and changing the same principles as mentioned in the question above (but for Mercurial instead), as well as trying to apply principles from the question How can I ignore all directories except one using .hgignore?, without any luck.


$ hg stat
? A.class
? A.java
? B/C.class
? B/C.java
? B/G/H/h.png
? D/E/F.java
? a.png
? a.txt
$ hg add -I "**.{class, java}"
adding A.class
adding A.java
adding B/C.class
adding B/C.java
adding D/E/F.java

which gave me the wanted result. How do I create a .hgignore or config file that applies the -I "**.{class, java}" for each add or commit (and similar queries)?



syntax: regexp


syntax: regexp


EDIT:此处是包含Søren s tips和我方面进一步 t弄的经修订的解决办法。 我希望,诸如“java”或“java”等假 positive现在就被搁置起来。

syntax: regexp

If ignored patterns are countable, why not use list of glob patterns? In your case for ignoring everywhere in repo-tree all *.class and *.java (if I understand task correctly) .hgrc will be

syntax: glob


如果你想要忽略所有延期(或根本不可能知道)的档案,那么,除非你能够尝试在档案中使用档案(<编码>hg 求助文档<>。 除*.png外,所有延期都将是th。 如同(图瓦卢)一样。

"set:not **.png"

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