in eclipse plugin i have two plug-in which are used there own class loader to load classes.. 2 main problem
Case 1:- in 1st Plugin i made a singleton class and when ever i want it to set some property form another plugin (because singleton so every object will change same object) but it can t do same as i accept.. because for every class loader there its own singleton object....
Case 2:- in 1st or 2nd plugin i made a class with a single static
property and through another plugin i want to access that property...
i want to access that property but i can t because every class loader there own name-space that means there own static variable...
what i did is :-
1. i make a class in 1st plugin with a static String
2. through 2ND plugin i set the value of that property
3. when i use it through 1st it how its value null
and if through 2nd the is show that what i set previously .
Now the problem is how i can access those case 1 and case 2
Hi have this j2ee web application developed using spring framework. I have a problem with rendering mnessages in nihongo characters from the properties file. I tried converting the file to ascii using ...