English 中文(简体)
原标题:Setting MINMAXINFO is off by 4px on the X and 5px on the Y
  • 时间:2011-11-07 23:49:13
  •  标签:
  • c++
  • c
  • winapi

I m 处理MINmetINFO 类似:

         LPMINMAXINFO p_info = (LPMINMAXINFO)lParam;
         int total_border_width = 2 * GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXFRAME );
         int total_border_height = 2 * GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYFRAME ) + 
            GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYCAPTION ) - GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYBORDER );
         POINT min,max;

         min.x = d->min_w > 0 ? d->min_w + total_border_width : p_info->ptMinTrackSize.x;
         min.y = d->min_h > 0 ? d->min_h + total_border_height : p_info->ptMinTrackSize.y;
         max.x = d->max_w > 0 ? d->max_w + total_border_width : p_info->ptMaxTrackSize.x;
         max.y = d->max_h > 0 ? d->max_h + total_border_height : p_info->ptMaxTrackSize.y;

         p_info->ptMinTrackSize = min;
         p_info->ptMaxTrackSize = max;


这项决议规定,它始终不.于我对X的希望,而关于Y. Doing + 4 和 + 5 的5个餐厅固然如此,但这似乎是一种可怕的想法。 是否有人错?

增 编


Depends on the type of frame you re using. You may need to account for the 3D elements of the border seperately, such as SM_CXEDGE. The client area may have an edge you re not accounting for if it s a 3D client frame.




“根据客户休息点的预期规模计算窗户所需大小。 然后可将窗户直径转至创造窗口功能,以建立一个客户区为预期规模的窗口。

AdjustWindowRect是相同的,但用于Window。 对于MINMERINFO的更正,无论你利用什么功能创建窗口,都应做到:

RECT rc;
rc.left = 0;
rc.top = 0;
rc.right = desired_width;
rc.bottom = desired_height;
AdjustWindowRectEx(&rc, GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE),
     GetMenu(hwnd) != 0, GetWindowLong(GWL_EXSTYLE));


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