NOTE: I tried using concat() method, join method and even tried to insert just text(which turned out editable) but none of them worked as I wanted. I was thinking if substring method will work but I only have basic idea of how substring works. I want the letter "N" to be inserted into the text box when form loads and when the user enters 4digits(OrderNo2.text) which should be joined so that it can be saved together when I clicked on save button.
请帮助。 增 编
Private Sub btnAddOrder_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e
As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAddOrder.Click
isNewRow = True
Dim newRow As DataRow = dsOrders.Tables("Orders").NewRow
If txtOrderNo2.Text.Length = 5 Then
newRow.Item("OrderNo") = txtOrderNo2.Text
If cbo_Product.SelectedIndex <> -1 Then
newRow.Item("Product") = cbo_Product.Text
newRow.Item("Price") = txtPrice2.Text
If txtQuantity.Text <> "" Then
newRow.Item("Quantity") = txtQuantity.Text
newRow.Item("CustomerNo") = txtCustomerNo2.Text
determine row index of new row
rowIndex = dsOrders.Tables("Orders").Rows.Count - 1
save changes back to the database
daOrders.Update(dsOrders, "Orders")
MessageBox.Show("Please enter the quantity", "Missing Quantity", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)
End If
MessageBox.Show("Please choose the product", "Missing Price", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)
End If
MessageBox.Show("Order Number must be 5 digits long!", "Missing Order Number", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub