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Cannot setprofile:hidden through Java
原标题:Cannot set visibility:hidden via JavaScript

我有一点麻烦,要把我头 around在这件事情上,因此,我认为这可能有助于把它放在这里。 因此,情况就是如此。

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 我拥有: 在5个不同的桌子中,有5个不同的图像,加上我寄出的文字。

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 我想:使用javascript s...

document.GetElementById("image ID").style.visibility= visible/hidden 

...after a preset time, but, instead of image ID there is a string that gets the ID of the image, and before anyone says anything, I am not using "" for the string that is inside of (). Something like...

var n=1;
function picID() {    


www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 我的问题是:,挣钱物赢得了打工。 图像打字仍与我在成像标签中定义的一样。

所有图像识别仪都属于 im子,就像它一样。

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 全文:

var m=1;
        function Show() {
        if (m==6) {m=1;}

    setTimeout( Show() , 3000);
window.onload = Show;

var k=1;    
    function Hide() {
    if (k==6) {k=1;}

    setTimeout( Hide() , 3000);     

window.onload = Hide;

I ve separated the code so it d easier to spot. From what I ve seen the only issue is the bold line within the code. I ve tested everything else by replacing the document.getElementById with document.write, so I can see that the custom ID string thingy is working fine. It is. An everything else as well.

任何建议? 感谢。


提炼窑=0;而不是k = 1;

当你把显示器和隐藏在同一元素上运行时,就会看上去。 以上所述内容将使显示器具的面目上出现隐藏。

This code will keep on running in a loop. because the setTimeOut() is called every time. There should be a case when its not called e.g if m<6 call it else don t

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